How Do I Verify My Profile? October 18, 2023 18:30 Updated TABLE OF CONTENTS Verifying My Account Why Was My Account Verification Rejected? Verifying My Account Looking to verify your profile? We think that's a great idea! Verified users on HER get twice the likes. Why? Because having a verified profile badge shows our users that you're a real person looking for real connections. Stand out from the fakes and photo verify your account to take it to the next level: 1. Before you begin, if you haven't already, please make sure you have a clear face photo as your profile picture so we have something to verify your photo against. Not having a face photo on your account is against our community guidelines and is one of the top reasons verifications can fail. 2. Now that you have a profile picture set. Navigate to your 'Settings' menu. 3. Towards the top of your menu you should see an option that says 'Verify Profile'. If you haven't verified your account it will have a red exclamation point by it and should look similar to this: 4. After you tap 'Verify Profile' you will see a series of prompts instructing you to submit a selfie matching a randomized pose we assign to you. This part is extremely important so we're giving you a few tips to make sure you're successful: Take this photo in a bright area where your face is visible and in focus. Make sure your face is unobstructed. (No face masks, no sunglasses, no hats covering your face) Double-check that your pose matches up with the pose we assigned and you are clearly in the frame. 5. Voila! That wasn't so bad, right? We'll show you the picture you took next to the pose you were assigned and ask you to confirm it looks good before you confirm and submit it to our Trust & Safety Team. You will receive an alert that says you're verification is pending. Note: We manually review all verification photos so this may take between 24-48 hours depending on volume. Once you exit out of this view, you will see that the icon is in pending view mode (shown in a light color). Once you are approved you will receive a message confirming your verification status and our trusted verification checkmark will be visible on your profile for your future matches to see. Why Was My Account Verification Rejected? If you received the message "Unable to Verify" this means that your account was not able to be verified because of one of the following reasons: The photo submitted for verification was not clear enough. Tip: Double-check and ensure you're taking the photo in a bright area where you are in focus and your face is unobstructed. The pose was off. Tip: Before submitting ensure your pose matches the model photo provided. The photo submitted doesn't match the photos on the profile. Sorry, not sorry! HER is a catfish-free zone. There are no photos on the profile to verify you with. Tip: Have clear profile photos showing your face and who you are. Did you know that profiles with photos get 7x more likes? Mistakes happen. Not to worry. We're willing to give this another shot if you are. Go to your settings and select the 'Verify My Account' option to return to the original verification flow. Keep in mind the tips we covered above: good lighting, clear view, and matching photos in your profile. Once you submit, our Account Review Team team will assess again. We're rooting for you!